Tarot Musings: April 20, 2022 — The Three of Cups and The Hermit

Tarot Musings: April 20, 2022 -- The Three of Cups and The Hermit
The Three of Cups usually reminds us to stop and smell the roses, and to celebrate the good things that happen to us.
Often, we fixate on getting to the next thing. We don't always share news with others or celebrate the good things that happen to us. Usually, we don't like to talk about the part we played in making those good things happen. Why? It can sound too much like bragging.
So, when the Three of Cups appears in your reading, it may be pointing to something that is going right and that needs recognition.
What if The Hermit connects to the Three of Cups in your reading? You may think of The Hermit as that person hiding in the house, keeping the shades and curtains drawn, and not opening the door. That is The Hermit as Recluse.
However, the Hermit also holds the light -- a person who helps light your way. So then, if something is going right or deserves celebration, think of what role wisdom and insight has to play in that. If you think about it for a moment, there probably was some insight at work. Usually, good things don't happen simply because of random luck.
Was there some secret knowledge or intuitive insight that you applied to bring about the great result?  Yes, this means that you did play a part -- maybe you caused the chain of reactions that produced an important result.
It's OK to take credit for that thing you did, and to celebrate it! And look for the insight or the wisdom that played a part in it -- then look for opportunities to repeat it. You may apply that wisdom to more than one situation, multiplying the benefits for yourself and others.

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