Tarot Musings: December 19, 2022 -- Four of Cups and The World, Reversed

Tarot Musings: December 19, 2022 -- Four of Cups and The World, Reversed

This morning I drew two cards for you, my Instagram and Facebook friends and followers.

Weariness and fatigue, combined with a world turned upside down.

What could be a more perfect pairing for this second half of December, 2022? After the year you have had, does it feel a bit like you are worn out, and like things have been a bit topsy-turvy?

There is a new cup -- something new being presented to you. Be on the lookout for unexpected opportunity. And know that if you want to take advantage of that new opportunity, you're going to need to plan, and perhaps make some use of those other resources you haven't been tapping into. Those "other resources" are contained in the upright cups you haven't used yet.

Yes, things are likely to be a bit off-kilter for the next day or so. But, how can you turn your world right-side up? What do you have control over that you can influence?

That is a great word: influence. Not "What can I do, for which I am solely responsible?" but, "Where can I have some influence on someone else, and help them do or think something that will be beneficial for both of us?" That is how you can start to impact the world around you.

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