Tarot Musings: February 21, 2023 -- Nine of Cups and The Magician

Tarot Musings: February 21, 2023 -- Nine of Cups and The Magician
This reading is for you, my followers:
I pulled two cards for today. The Nine of Cups and The Magician
The Nine of Cups seems satisfied, happy. Enjoying the abundance, the Nine of Cups doesn't seem very interested in doing more, or trying to make a decision, or trying to make something happen.  This person has done well, and seems very content.
But, in walks The Magician.
The Magician is the master, who makes the best use of the available tools -- on the table are the wand, pentacle, cup and sword. And in The Magician's hand is the candle, burning at both ends.
Is The Magician overworked? Is The Magician doing too much? Not necessarily. The Magician usually is wise, and one would think smart enough not to try to do too much.
Perhaps the Nine of Cups could do more with what's available -- all those Cups, and the resources in them.
The Magician asks, "So, Nine of Cups, what are you going to DO with what's in all those Cups you have?"

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