Tarot Musings: June 7, 2022 — Swords, Cups and Wands

The Five of swords, the Ten of cups and the Six of Wands.

This signifies a lot of work, followed by some relaxation and celebration, which is a solid peak-and-valley type of rhythm.

If you have been fighting a battle, maybe you have not won. But maybe you needed to walk away in defeat. Or maybe you decided it was time to simply give up — undefeated — and leave the battle scene. What likely happens next?

That battle may or may not have been worth fighting. Regardless, it is over. The Ten of Cups is leading us to definite rest, relaxation and contentment after the fight. The Six of Wands points to some kind of parade — which is another form of celebration.

Sometimes simply stopping the beating of your head against a brick wall is all the reward you need.

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