Tarot Musings -- October 16, 2022 -- The Lovers and Three of Wands

Tarot Musings -- October 16, 2022 -- The Lovers and Three of Wands

These two cards are very encouraging this Sunday. I am reading these cards for the wider global population.

The Lovers confers happiness and harmony, which may provide a boost to those initiatives that aim to serve the greater good. The alignment, harmony and good energy between the two Lovers depicted can add a hopeful quality to what for many is the start of a new week.

Combined with the Three of Wands, we have that long term planning component — plans are more likely to be well-crafted and turn out well.

These two cards also point to an improved clarity about what is or may be possible — which may benefit people trying to bring about specific outcomes.

One can hope that the desired outcomes benefit the majority of people and the planet.

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